Full-stack Web Developer

building with 100% re-cycled electrons.

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    image of atom


I am a Full-Stack Web Developer with a strong base of experience building Drupal sites. I am currently looking to join a development team as full stack developer, or to sub-contract tasks if you are looking for help.

This site started out as a place to publish Notebooks about some of my projects but has expanded into an overview of the content on my Github account.

N.B. At the moment most of the notebooks are incomplete. I'll be adding to them over time.



Despite using Gems for years to process CSS and markdown, I have just started to work with Ruby. Its a pleasure. I maintain a Rails CMS, enabled with Stripe payment, to sell membership-restricted-content, as a private repo. Here's my first Rails project, a simple CMS.


I have been building with Drupal since the late days of Drupal 6. I have built from scratch and on top of distributions like Commerce Quickstart, Open Publish, Panopoly, and COD. I maintain features for a Cooking Recipe Site, a Multi-Channel Podcasting site and a Newspaper style blogging site.

Front End


I like Polymer. Google Codelabs are a great intro to the library. Also Checkout Google Firebase for the backend, they fit together nicely. See the Backend section below for my demos on Firebase. My Polymer-1-Sandbox might be a good starting point for you if you want to check out Polymer...



Twig is the templating language used in Symfony and now in Drupal 8. Its a great language. You can see it in use in my Symfony projects and also in the Foundation theme of my Easybook instance, it powers the notes section of this site.

ERB - Embedded Ruby

ERB is the templating language used in Rails. Like everything about Rails its a pleasure to work with.

EJS - Embedded Javascript

If you are looking for a great templating option you should try EJS. You have the full power of Javascript available in the template.

Mustache, Handlebars, Dust, Jade...

Several of my projects employ Mustache or Handlebars. This site employs Panini, which is derivative of Handlebars. Checkout my javascript templating repo for other examples of Javascript based templating.


Liquid is the templating language used in Jekyll and other projects. I worked through a course on Jekyll which is a great resource for learning how to get your own Jekyll site working the way you want.


I've used Bootstrap, Foundation and Material Design in various projects. I have built from scratch using Compass and several different grid systems. Now, everything I do is in SASS but I have worked with LESS before.

Material Design

Material Design is the CSS framework for all of the Polymer and Firebase projects on my Github account.

Compass and Grids

I have used Compass and different grid systems (Susy, Singularity, for HTML sites and some Drupal theming.

Build Systems


I don't mind working with Grunt, I used to use it in my Drupal 7 themes, its a solid build tool.


I seem to be using webpack more and more in my projects. You can read my notes on how to bundle your app with webpack here...



Checkout my notes on setting up a dev environment. If you manage alot of db in development checkout my Bash script to batch backup all your databases to separate files, and a Drush script to bulk convert D7 databases to utf8mb4 formatting might be useful...


I have built a project based on the MEAN stack (MongDB, Express, Angular, Node.) It is a discussion board. You can find it here...


I have built ExpressJS servers to serve JSON files to an app. I have configured Drupal 7 & 8, Symfony and Rails to deliver JSON and JSONP to external clients. This site consumes internal and external JSON data. YAML is everywhere as store of config data.

Big Data

I built a Polymer 1 app to visualize large amounts of data based on a Google Codelabs tutorial.


My introduction to Regex was converting the content of several hundred almost unstructured Word documents into a structured MySQL database of recipes. LOL.


I have worked with Doctine in Symfony and ActiveRecord in Rails, which I think has the edge...

Data Fixtures

I have implemented Data fixtures in Symfony and Rails. They make life easier.


Migrations are at the heart of Rails development, which is a joy. They work well enough in Symfony.



I have used SocketIO in a number of node based projects.

Unix - MacOS Flavour

Bash and Bash Scripting. Why wasn't this taught in my high-school... Becuase OSX wasn't a thing that long ago... ;-)