Full-stack Web Developer

building with 100% re-cycled electrons.


Python the Basics

A quick overview of Python.

Drupal 8 and Composer

Using Composer to install and manage development of a Drupal 8 project brings alot of advantages. These notes present an overview of integrating Composer, Drupal Console and Git into a powerful workflow for developing with Drupal 8

Drupal 8 Scaffold

Use Composer to install and manage the codebase of a Drupal 8 site, use a great Gulp build process to develop your theme, and develop on a standardized LAMP stack provisioned by Docker.


When you want to interact with the Finder in MacOS, or an application, and especially if you want to perform a repetitive task, Applescript may be able to make your life easier.

Git and Github

If a file is important it should be under some form of version control. Git is a great solution. Github is an cloud based, Git service for storing and sharing those important files.

GIT Workflow

Once you are working on Github and you start to work with other people on your files you'll need a workflow so everyone knows what to do. This is one example of how you might manage a github repository.

Introduction to MySQL

Here's a quick over-view of working with MySQL.

Setting up a Development Environment on MacOS Sierra

There's alot install and configure to set up a good development environment on MacOS. Luckily the tools keep getting better and better.

Bash Scripting

Once you start using Bash to run UNIX programs from the command line your going to want to run ordered sets of Bash commands to get things done. And maybe throw in some scripts in other languages...

MEAN Stack App

These are some note on building a discussion board style app using the MEAN stack. That's MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS.

Webpack Module Bundler

Learn how to use Webpack to load modules, process CSS, perform code-splitting and use the Webpack dev server.

Javascript and JSON

An overview of some techniques to access and parse JSON data using Javascript.

Bash on MacOS

Learn how to interact with the computer from the command line. Does that sound exciting? Then these notes are for you.

Node, Express, SocketIO Website Notes

Notes about building a website based on NodeJS and ExpressJS

Javascript - the DOM

You need to grab something off in an HTML document and do something to it. These notes are about how to do that.