Data: Panini Front Matter

Demonstrates: Orbit Image Carousel partial fed data from page Front Matter.
Corresponding Filename: data-101

An Orbit partial is defined using Panini variables ({{aria-label}}, {{image}}, and {{caption}}). These are then provided by the Front Matter of the page in which the Orbit partial is embedded. Any page, or, any partial embedded in a page, can consume data provided by a page's Front Matter through the use of Panini variables.

  • Space
    Image of China 1.
  • Space
    Image of China 2!
  • Space
    Image of China 3!!
  • Space
    Image of China 5!!!

Front Matter

The images are added as front matter at the top of page on which they are displayed. Which is rather convenient.

aria-label: Images of china
image1: ../assets/img/orbit/china/china1.jpg
caption1: Image of China 1.
image2: ../assets/img/orbit/china/china2.jpg
caption2: Image of China 2!
image3: ../assets/img/orbit/china/china3.jpg
caption3: Image of China 3!!
image4: ../assets/img/orbit/china/china4.jpg
caption4: Image of China 5!!!

Partial Tag

The carousel is inserted on the page using a panini tag.

{{> orbit-image-carousel}}

The tag refers to the filename of the template used to format the data. The orbital template calls for four images (for each one an image url and a caption must be provided.)

Partial File

@ partials/orbit-carousels/orbit-image-carousel.html

<div class="orbit" role="region" aria-label="{{aria-label}}" data-orbit>
    <ul class="orbit-container">
        <button class="orbit-previous"><span class="show-for-sr">Previous Slide</span>&#9664;&#xFE0E;</button>
        <button class="orbit-next"><span class="show-for-sr">Next Slide</span>&#9654;&#xFE0E;</button>
        <li class="is-active orbit-slide">
            <img class="orbit-image" src="{{image1}}" alt="Space">
            <figcaption class="orbit-caption">{{caption1}}</figcaption>
        <li class="orbit-slide">
            <img class="orbit-image" src="{{image2}}" alt="Space">
            <figcaption class="orbit-caption">{{caption2}}</figcaption>
        <li class="orbit-slide">
            <img class="orbit-image" src="{{image3}}" alt="Space">
            <figcaption class="orbit-caption">{{caption3}}</figcaption>
        <li class="orbit-slide">
            <img class="orbit-image" src="{{image4}}" alt="Space">
            <figcaption class="orbit-caption">{{caption4}}</figcaption>
    <nav class="orbit-bullets">
        <button class="is-active" data-slide="0"><span class="show-for-sr">First slide details.</span><span class="show-for-sr">Current Slide</span></button>
        <button data-slide="1"><span class="show-for-sr">Second slide details.</span></button>
        <button data-slide="2"><span class="show-for-sr">Third slide details.</span></button>
        <button data-slide="3"><span class="show-for-sr">Fourth slide details.</span></button>


Here's something cool: the variables defined in Front Matter are also available to any layout from which the current page inherits... Nice!'