Corresponding Filename: panini-helpers

Panini - Panini Helpers

Helpers are special functions that manipulate content on the page. In addition to Handlebars's built-in helpers, Panini includes a few custom helpers and you can add your own.


Displays the HTML inside the helper only on specific pages. In the below example, the HTML inside the helper will only show up on the index.html page.

{{#ifpage 'index'}}
  <p>This is definitely the Index page.</p>

You can also check for multiple pages. If any name in the list matches the current page, the HTML will appear.

{{#ifpage 'index' 'about'}}
  <p>This is definitely either the Index or About page.</p>


The opposite of #ifpage, #unlesspage will only display the HTML inside of it if the current page is not in the parameters.

{{#unlesspage 'index'}}
  <p>This is definitely <em>not</em> the Index page.</p>


Repeats the content inside of it n number of times. Use this to easily print lots of duplicate HTML in a prototype.

  {{#repeat 5}}
  <li>Five hundred ninety-nine US dollars</li>


Converts Markdown into HTML.

# Heading 1
Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nam dolor, perferendis. Mollitia aut dolorum, est amet libero eos ad facere pariatur, ullam dolorem similique fugit, debitis impedit, eligendi officiis dolores.