1.1 Xcode

Install Xcode from the MacOS App store. Open Xcode. This is necessary to accept licenses etc. before moving on.

1.2 Command Line Tools

Install Command Line Tools

xcode-select --install

1.3 Homebrew

Ruby is pre-insstalled on MacOS. Later we will replace the default version with other versions and add a version control manager to switch between them.

However, for now we can use the installed Rudy to install a package manager which is written in ruby.

Homebrew is the package manager of choice for MacOS. Install Homebrew following the latest instructions here:


This may take a few minutes, but when complete, simply type:

brew --version

returns Homebrew 1.0.6 Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 1b10; last commit 2016-10-04)

You should probably also run the following command to ensure everything is configured correctly:

brew doctor

It will instruct you if you need to correct anything.

1.3.1 Extra Brew Taps

We are going to use some brews that require some external taps:

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap homebrew/php
brew tap homebrew/apache

If you already have brew installed, make sure you have the all the latest available brews:

brew update

Now you are ready to brew!

1.4 Git

Install the latest Git or Upgrade existing Git by following this article:

Git installation