8.1 Drush

Install drush using Composer

composer install drush/drush

After installation by composer the .drush folder is empty...


drush core-init

to create config files

create aliases.drushrc.php

add aliases

$aliases['ALIAS'] = array(
  'uri' => 'http://URI.com',
  'root' => '/Users/path/to/code',
  'databases' =>
    array (
      'default' =>
      array (
        'default' =>
        array (
          'driver' => 'mysql',
          'username' => 'root',
          'password' => '',
          'port' => '3306',
          'host' => 'localhost',
          'database' => 'DATABASE-NAME',

8.1.1 Drush Config

Go into drushrc.php and add paths to folders for storing backup files and sql dumps and a path to your drush recipes.

Uncomment any options you might find useful

8.1.2 Drush Modules Drush Recipes

drush dl drush_recipes

Reference the location of your Drush Recipes, in this case on my GoogleDrive

@ drushrc.php

// You can define additional dr_locations to search for in your .drush/drushrc.php
// settings file so that you can stash recipes in a shared location like box.com
// to use this add something like:
# $options['dr_locations'] = '/Users/smerth/Google_Drive/drecipes/d7';
// or
$options['dr_locations'] = array('/Users/smerth/Google_Drive/Drush/sm/d7', '/Users/smerth/Google_Drive/Drush/sm/d8'); Registry Rebuild

Just grab it from the command line: https://www.drupal.org/project/registry_rebuild

drush @none dl registry_rebuild-7.x utf8mb4_convert

Just grab it from the command line: https://www.drupal.org/project/utf8mb4_convert

drush @none dl utf8mb4_convert-7.x

8.2 Drupal Console

Main site


On github

not installed?

it looks like it was installed using the installer and resides in


maybe delete it and install with composer so you have more control over versions

8.3 Drupal Coder

Drupal Coder

8.4 Drupal Composer

Drupal Composer